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English Martyrs Primary School

"As part of God's family we grow together, respect each otherand challenge ourselves to be the best that we can be."

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Year 6

In Year 6, we are all very excited about our up and coming production, Cinderella, Rockerfella. It's really important that the children practise at home so that we can make the most of our rehearsals at school. You will find the script, song lyrics and the songs here for you to practise as much as you want!

You're Going To The Ball (Vocal).mp3

You're Going To The Ball (Supporting Vocals).mp3

You're Going To The Ball (Instrumental).mp3

Your Feet Are Too Big! (Vocal).mp3

Your Feet Are Too Big! (Instrumental).mp3

Tonight's The Night (Vocal).mp3

Tonight's The Night (Instrumental).mp3

There's A Party Here Tonight (Vocal).mp3

There's A Party Here Tonight (Instrumental).mp3

It's Not All It's Cracked Up To Be (Vocal).mp3

It's Not All It's Cracked Up To Be (Instrumental).mp3

I'm So In Love With Me! (Vocal).mp3

I'm So In Love With Me! (Instrumental).mp3

If I Had One Wish (Vocal).mp3

If I Had One Wish (Instrumental).mp3

Happy Ever Afters (Vocal).mp3

Happy Ever Afters (Instrumental).mp3

A Ton Of Love (Vocal).mp3

A Ton Of Love (Instrumental).mp3

A Friend Like You (Vocal).mp3

A Friend Like You (Instrumental).mp3

Welcome to Year 6


Welcome to Year 6:  the year of responsibility, maturity and preparation for the future. In Year 6, children are given the chance to take on roles of responsibility and leadership. Children have the opportunity to be elected: Head boys or girls, members of the sports council, play leaders and librarians amongst many other roles. One role of responsibility which children in Year 6 look forward to the most is meeting, looking after and playing with their buddy from Reception class.


In Year 6 the children work towards building their confidence to work with increasing independence, taking ownership of their learning.  The children build on the skills and knowledge which they have developed throughout their time at English Martyrs by helping to shape their own learning experiences. Children will plan their our own scientific investigations, design geography fieldwork tasks and lead their own prayer and worship sessions.


Towards the end of Year 6 the children complete the National Curriculum Assessments, these assessments cover the breadth of the curriculum which the children have studied from Y3 through to Y6. Tests are taken in: reading, mathematics, spelling & grammar. Writing attainment is assessed from all the pieces from over the year to give a final judgement. 


The year culminates with an end-of-year production, and the Leavers Mass in which every child in Year 6 is given opportunities to participate and perform to their fellow pupils and parents. These events are a fitting celebration of each child’s time at English Martyrs RC Primary School.


The year is full of challenge, fun, adventure and opportunity. It is our aim to send well-rounded and well-educated children out into the world when they leave us in July.

What we are learning this half term
