We order our school uniform from the shop, John McHugh. The shop is based in Stretford Mall. We take a whole school order in the summer term. If you require additional uniform before this time please order directly from the shop. The shop keeps a small stock of uniform for these occasions.
In school we sell the book bags, PE bags and water bottles. Please call us 0161 748 7257 or email admin@englishmartyrs.trafford.sch.uk for the latest prices.
Please note, hair past shoulder length must be tied back.
Please can you ensure that all uniform is clearly marked with your child's name
Blazer (optional) (Reception – Year 6) | - Maroon with school crest £30.75 - £31.75
| |
Jumper | - Maroon with school crest £20.25 - £22.25
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Cardigan | - Maroon with school crest £21.25 - £24.25
| |
PE Hoodie | - Maroon with school crest £23.25
| |
Shirt & Tie | - Years 1 - 6: White only(no blue shirts) - available from Monkhouse or other retailers
- English Martyrs tie £5.50
| |
Polo T shirt | White ony (Reception and Nursery only) | |
Skirts / trousers | - Grey - available from Monkhouse or other retailers
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Summer dresses | - Red checked - available from Monkhouse or other retailers
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Shoes | - Black shoes
- Black trainers on PE days
- Sensible shoes – no high heels or strappy shoes although sensible, flat sandals are allowed
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Socks / Tights | - Grey or white socks
- Grey tights
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Accessories | - Hair bobbles/bands should be small and plain in school
- No make up / nail varnish
- Sensible watches and stud earrings only
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Book bags | - Nursery to Year 6 (purchased from school office) £10.00
| |
PE Bags | - Reception to Year 6 (purchased from the school office). Note: Reception will only need these in Summer term) £5.00
| |
Water Bottles | - £2.50 (purchased from the school office)
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PE Kits
Indoor (Reception – Year 6) | Nursery children do not require a PE kit. Reception will only require a PE kit in Summer term. Every child to have an indoor PE kit, in a named PE bag left in school and taken home half termly to be washed. Plain black shorts Plain white t-shirt PE Hoodie with school crest £23.25 Black pumps (Reception - Year 2) Trainers (Years 3 - 6) | Outdoor | Nursery children do not require a PE kit. Reception will only require a PE kit in Summer term. Plain black shorts Plain white t- shirt PE Hoodie with school crest £23.25 Trainers Plain black jogging bottoms in winter | Swimming | Girls – swimming costume Boys – swimming trunks (not too long or baggy) Swimming caps to be worn | | Please can you ensure that all uniform is clearly marked with your child's name |