Please click on the links below to download a copy of the relevant policy. All policies are available for viewing in person on application at the school office.
- Accessibility Plan_22_25.doc
- Admission Policy 2023_2024_FINAL.doc
- Anti-Bullying-Policy.doc
- attendance-policy-2024-updated.docx
- Behaviour and Relationships Policy (1).docx
- British Values Policy.doc
- Charging and Remissions Policy.doc
- Child Protection Policy.doc
- Complaints Policy.docx
- Equality Policy_2020_2023.doc
- Equality Scheme 2022-2025.doc
- GDPR - Pupil and Parents Privacy Notice
- Online Safety Policy.doc
- Parent Conduct Policy.docx
- relationships-and-sex-education.docx
- Remote Learning Policy - v.2.docx
- Special Educational Needs and Disability Policy.docx
- Supporting Pupils with Medical Conditions Policy.doc
- Safeguarding Policy 2024.docx