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English Martyrs Primary School

"As part of God's family we grow together, respect each otherand challenge ourselves to be the best that we can be."

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Year 5

Welcome to Year 5


Mrs Hicks - Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday morning

Mrs Dunn - Thursday afternoon and Friday


The curriculum used in Year 5 is one that is exciting and engaging. It enables pupils to think deeply about the subjects being taught, about themselves and about the wider community in order to grow their knowledge and understanding of the influence they have to change the world.


Respect is at the heart of all that we do, showing all of our school values in how we treat others with care and kindness to uphold the Gospel values that underpin our Catholic education.


During Year 5 the children will build confidence through the many opportunities they create themselves to develop their learning. Skills and knowledge are also acquired through self-evaluation, research and peer-evaluation resulting in well-rounded, independent learners.


There is challenge at every stage in year 5 where children are given the opportunity to independently choose their own level of work ensuring they take ownership of their learning. This culture of challenge in turn allows for the creation of a deeper level of understanding and achievement for each child.


Capturing and enhancing a love of reading is another focus in Year 5. A wide variety of texts are used to develop not only reading skills but also to enhance the complex writing skill sets required to write using the conventions and structures that the many different text types and genres demand.


Our enquiry based focus in topic subjects allows children to lead their own learning and throughout all our lessons, encouragement and support are always there so nobody is on their own – and we have great fun too!


What we are learning this half term
