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English Martyrs Primary School

"As part of God's family we grow together, respect each otherand challenge ourselves to be the best that we can be."

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Lunch Menus

'The food a child eats in their early years can influence their dietary habits later in life, so it's important to instil good habits and a healthy relationship with food …'


Lunch Menus

The lunch menus are now available for you to download and print. Please click on the PDF link to download.

At English Martyrs' we provide hot meals every day for the children. Our talented chef, Mrs Patel, alongside our amazing cook Mrs Warburton make healthy, delicious food for us every single day.


School meals are paid for through our online payment system, parent pay.


All children in Reception, Year 1 and 2 qualify for Universal Free School Meals. This has to be taken as a hot meal, packed lunches are not included.


If you require more information about our delicious school meals, please contact Mrs Sykes in the school office who will be more than happy to help.



Our Talented Chef


Mrs Warburton

Our Amazing Cook
