Governors at English Martyrs RC Primary School
Our governors are committed to ensuring that your children have the opportunities to develop their talents, academic, sporting and creative. Our governors are accountable to parents, parish and our wider community for the performance of the school.
Our school governors have a wide range of responsibilities.
The governing body is accountable in law for all major decisions about the school and its future. They are in charge of planning the school's future direction with the aim of helping to raise the standards of pupil achievement, that is how well children are taught and doing at school. They are responsible for how well the school is run, how well the children are behaving and being kept safe in school.
The Government has provided the school governing body with responsibility for the financial and staffing management of the school. Governors have a key role in ensuring accountability and acting as a critical friend to the Head teacher by providing advice and support.
Governors have specific responsibilities including English, Mathematics, Special Educational Needs, Safeguarding, Health and Safety and many more. Foundation Governors are also responsible for maintaining the Christian values and Catholic ethos of the school. Governors undertake training to carry out these responsibilities effectively.
English Martyrs RC Primary School Governing Body
Father Kieren Mullarkey - Chair of Governors
Matthew Barnes - Vice Chair of Governors
Alison McGlade - Headteacher
Roshi Surdevan - Parent Governor
Sean Di Sora - Parent Governor
Bernadette Blackburn - Foundation Governor
Anna Keep - Foundation Governor
Nuala Fussell - Foundation Governor
Deacon John Walsh - Foundation Governor
Anthony Murphy - Staff Governor
Alex Morgan - LA Governor
Alan Bruce - Foundation Governor
Louise Chadwick - Associate Governor
We currently do not have any vacancies on our governing body (Spring 2025)
Those governors currently with linked responsibilities:
Nuala Fussell - Safeguarding Governor
Anna Keep - SEND & Mental Health & Wellbeing
Deacon John Walsh - Health & Safety
Father Kieren Mullarkey & Anna Keep - RE & RHE Link Governor
Sean Di Sora - English Link Governor
Bernadette Blackburn - Maths Link Governor
Roshni Surdevan - Science Link Governor
Governors meet each half term at a Full Governing Body meeting to discuss and address matters. Additionally, there are monitoring and support visits to school throughout the year.