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English Martyrs Primary School

"As part of God's family we grow together, respect each otherand challenge ourselves to be the best that we can be."

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RE & Catholic Life of the School


We hope that the Catholic Life of our school is evident from the moment that you meet us.

Our school, our website and the people in our school community reflect our Catholic values and we know that this is one of the main reasons that families choose to send their children to our school.


We are proud to be a Catholic School, one in the heart of the parish with strong links to our church and we hope that everyone who visits feels welcome. We are proud of our school community and know that everyone in it feels valued and respected. When things go wrong we place great emphasis on respect and forgiveness, we know that it is ok to be sad and we try our best to support each other through difficult times.


Religious Education is a big part of our school life and is treated as a core subject. We ensure that each class fulfils the Diocesan recommendation of 10% teaching time and we follow the Bishop’s chosen scheme of “Come and See.” RE is so much more than just lessons at English Martyrs and it permeates everything that we do. We help our children to translate their faith into their daily life. Every class including Nursery take part in weekly Celebration of the Word, RE lessons and assemblies to immerse them in their faith and ensuring our Catholic identity makes us distinctive and brings us closer to God in our journey of faith. 


Prayer and Liturgy is an important part of what we do and who we are. We follow the Liturgical Year and celebrate traditional events as well as welcoming in our families to see our annual Crowning of Mary service, Pentecost Picnic and English Martyrs Feast Day amongst many others.


At English Martyrs say prayers together, we prepare celebrations of the word and have liturgies in a variety of different ways at different times and in different places. We have whole school masses at least once a term and classes from across school attend mass each Tuesday, we have teacher led assemblies and child led assemblies, we reflect on our own, in groups, in classes or all together when we gather as class, Key Stage or a whole school. We sing together, we pray together, we listen,  reflect and respond to scripture.


We are English Martyrs RC Primary School 

Our four school values are at the heart of everything we do at English Martyrs. 

Growth               Faith              Respect                Working Together


The Catholic Life of our school and it's pupils is embedded through our gospel teachings, servant leadership and strong links with our church and families. 


