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English Martyrs Primary School

"As part of God's family we grow together, respect each otherand challenge ourselves to be the best that we can be."

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Chaplains and Mini Vinnies

Pupil Leadership plays a huge part of our Catholic Life and Mission at English Martyrs. 

Our pupils in Year 4, 5 and 6 get the opportunity to become a chaplain or Mini Vinnie. This is a wonderful opportunity to connect deeper with their own faith and inspire others through their actions. 


Mini Vinnies



Mini Vinnies follow in the footsteps of Christ and St Vincent de Paul.

The Mini Vinnies are the youngest members of the St Vincent de Paul Society (SVP), an international Christian voluntary organisation dedicated to tackling poverty in all its forms by providing practical assistance to people in need. 

The Mini Vinnies get together in primary schools and parishes across England and Wales to live out their mission of see, think, do, supporting their school community and beyond alongside the St Vincent de Paul Society


Mini Vinnies turn concern into action by:

  • making cards for those who may be sick, isolated, lonely or in prison
  • visiting local care homes to sing and share stories with residents
  • creating arts and crafts to share with others
  • running food collections for a local food bank
  • supporting other children in their school or parish
  • fundraising for the SVP and other charities
  • baking for others


At English Martyrs, our Mini Vinnies lead on many aspects of our school life including our Harvest collection for Stretford Foodbank, making Christmas cards for our elderly parishioners, supporting with charity cake stalls such as our Macmillan Coffee Morning and spreading kindness around school with acts of kindness. 


In Year 4, 5 and 6 we offer the opportunity to our pupils to be a chaplain. After an interview, pupils are invited to then work with Mrs Orford each week to help prepare meditation and liturgies to other classes as well as coming up with opportunities and activities for prayer and worship in the liturgical year. 

Our pupil chaplains hold an Advent and Lent prayer sessions, inviting families in with their children each Friday morning before school to gather, reflect and pray.

Our chaplains act as role models and have recently taken part in their growing in faith together training with Caritas at the Diocese of Salford, 


