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English Martyrs Primary School

"As part of God's family we grow together, respect each otherand challenge ourselves to be the best that we can be."

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Year 3

Welcome to Year 3


Mrs Dunn & Mrs Corry


Welcome to our Year 3 Class Page


Year 3 is such an exciting school year and we are very proud to be the Year 3 class teachers.


Mrs Dunn will be teaching in class on Monday and Tuesdays and Mrs Corry on Wednesday, Thursday and Fridays.


We use Seesaw to share photographs and snippets of school life and learning to communicate with parents. Login QR codes are sent home in September so that you can access the app to see Year 3 in action.


In Year 3, we will be learning about different English texts and developing writing by using paragraphs, a variety of sentence structures and writing for different purposes such as reports, stories, recounts and information texts. 


Maths will be initially covering 3 digit numbers up to 1000, times tables and division facts for the 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 and 8 times tables will be covered in Year 3 and we really hope you can practice these as much as possible at home.


Our History and Geography topics will be the local area of Urmston, including Fieldwork and mapping skills, Early Civilisations including the Stone, Bronze and Iron ages. There will be an Ancient Egypt study in the Summer term. 


We will be learning Spanish this year, with a focus on colours, numbers and greetings. 


You can find out all about our Year 3 Curriculum in our long term curriculum plan below


An example of our day is: 

8:50am - Registration & morning task

9am - Assembly or spelling lesson

9:25am - English

10:25am - Break time 15 minutes

10:40am - Maths

11:40am - Reading/Handwriting

12:10pm - Lunchtime 1 hour

1:10pm - Afternoon lesson e.g History

2:10pm - Afternoon lesson e.g RE

3:15pm - Story, tidy up, prepare for home time

3:25pm - Dismiss on the playground to parents


Our PE days will be on Mondays and Wednesdays - Pupils will need to wear their Sports kit on these days


Homework will be sent home on Fridays to be returned by Wednesdays.


Pupils will need to bring their own breaktime snack into school for Key Stage 2

Please send in a healthy snack such as fruit, crackers, healthy granola bar etc. No nuts please!


If you have any questions about Year 3, please email or pop into school. We would love to tell you more about what a fantastic Year 3 we have!


We hope you have found this information useful.


There are some links below to some handy websites for learning and homework help.


Topmarks Maths Games

Maths Frame - Games for KS2 Games

BBC Homework Help

Parents Information - Oxford Owl







What we are learning this half term
