Please read the information below which gives details of our PE and Sport Premium Grant and how we allocate the funding.
The government is providing additional funding of £150 million per annum to improve provision of physical education (PE) and sport in primary schools. This funding - provided jointly by the Departments for Education, Health and Culture, Media and Sport - will be allocated to primary school headteachers. This funding is ring-fenced and therefore can only be spent on provision of PE and sport in schools.
Eligible schools Funding for schools will be calculated by reference to the number of primary-aged pupils (between the ages of 5 and 11), as recorded in the annual schools census in January 2013.
Purpose of funding Schools must spend the additional funding on improving their provision of PE and sport, but they will have the freedom to choose how they do this.
We have already allocated the majority of the funding to employ our PE Specialist Coaches. They teach classes from Year 1-year 6 and provide professional development for teachers.
Also we are planning to:
- Continue and further develop the many sporting enrichment opportunities we offer out of school hours for all the children.
- Continue and further develop competitive sports with our school teams.
- Enhance provision for Physical Development in Early Years outdoor area.
- Have a PE focus week in the summer.
- Purchase gym equipment.
- Raise the profile of PE and healthy living in lessons and assemblies.