We encourage all children to be on time for school and in school as much as possible during term time.
If you are running late please bring your child to the office on Wycliffe Road and advise the office of the reason for lateness.
If your child is going to absent due to illness please phone and leave a message on the school answerphone before the start of the school day and by 9.30am if that is not going to be possible. Please leave your child's name, reason for absence and expected date of return.
Appointments during the school day:
We understand that they may be occasions when your child may need to attend a medical or similar appointment that cannot be attended outside of the school day. In order for us to be able to authorise these absences please provide evidence of the appointment - such as a consultant letter - to the office. Please note that routine dental/optician/GP appointments will not be authorised as these should be arranged for after school or in the school holidays.
Holidays in term time:
We do not authorise holidays in term time. There are very few exceptions to this and the majority of absence requests are refused and any subsequent absence taken will be recorded as an unauthorised absence.
Attendance target:
Our whole school target for attendance in 97%. You will be advised of your child's attendance percentage twice a year. If your child's attendance is causing concern at any time we will contact you to discuss what support we can put in place to improve attendance.